The Calmodulation database and Meta-analysis predictor website is a collaboration between University of Massachusetts Medical School Ph.D. graduates (Karen Mruk and Brian Farley), Karen's former Ph.D. advisor (Bill Kobertz) and Al Ritacco in the UMMS High Speed Computing Group. Annoyed by the non-descript calmodulin binding motifs (and her former Ph.D. advisor), Karen Mruk convinced Brian Farley to write a Perl script to identify all of the canonical binding motifs within a given sequence. Running this script on target peptides bound to CaM in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) revealed that CaM often binds to peptide sequences that contain multiple overlapping canonical binding motifs. The Meta-analysis predictor demarcates potential binding regions based on the density of canonical binding motifs and eliminates most transmembrane domains with a positive charge discriminator. To make the scripts and search tools readily available to the scientific community, Bill Kobertz asked/begged Al Ritacco to embed the scripts into a functional, barebones web site. Because most programmers/coders have no feel for aesthetics, Bill Kobertz relearned HTML and JavaScript, and picked up a little PHP along the way to design and publish the web pages. In addition to the Meta-analysis, we've included descriptions of the different canonical CaM binding motifs.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!