The Sequence Search allows you to enter a protein sequence to find all of the canonical CaM target sites. In addition, it predicts CaM binding sites based on the number of overlapping canonical CaM motifs. A sample output for the CaV1.2 Pre-IQ and IQ regions can be viewed by clicking here. Text files containing the "wiggle file" and list of CaM binding motifs can be downloaded after the search. Below describes each input box or parameter.

Enter Query Sequence: Type or paste the sequence to be searched. Most non-amino acid chacters will be stripped and the sequence concatenated.
Sequence Name: Name of protein sequence (optional)
List Motifs By: Sorts the output list by either the type of motif (e.g. 1-10, 1-12, 1-14, 1-16, IQ, etc.) or by residue number.
Starting Residue: Allows the protein sequence to start at a number other than 1.